How To Be A Supportive Husband

It is important for a man to support his lady. We support her by washing her down with the word of God as it is written in Ephesians 5...which is His wisdom and understanding... which only comes from His word. As men, we must ensure we are washing ourselves down first with His word as we live it out in front of the lady. I am not saying showing her you read the word by reading it in front of her. I am saying showing her you LIVE what you are reading. Then you have a solid foundation from which to work from. You are now in a position to lead...providing the necessary support needed for your lady. In supporting the wife, the man who is connected to God to provide support in a certain way to his spouse...does so the way God says to do it. If the spouse does not have that understanding and wisdom yet in that area... she may see it as you not supporting her. The reason she is feeling this way is because her comfort zone has been made uncomfortable. If God gave you a remedy to support your wife... and you follow what He gave you... it may be rough at first... but you must trust the foundation you have now built your life on. Support does not mean always agreeing. Support means listening and offering wisdom when God says to offer it. He may tell you to listen but be slow to speak. Men support your wives as God has directed you... not based on how you feel at that moment. And it really begins with your relationship with Jesus and who you are right now... how you are LIVING what you say you believe in. Then you can give her the support she needs, not necessarily what she wants... and it will be for her good as you lead with gentleness, patience, compassion, mercy...not boasting... not holding records of her yesterday or her last minute. Rejoice in the truth which allows you to lead by example... and in the process of doing so... you are allowing God to lead the both of you. She must now trust the God in you and the wisdom he has poured into you. Your example should bring clarity to her unless she is still wrestling with her Flesh. But be patient in the process as God prunes the person who is still wrestling with the flesh at times. You don't have to do the pruning which can be painful to her. The Holy Spirit will do that..but be there for her when the pruning takes place.

Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Community Church - Southaven

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